Immense energy is needed to assure feedback in the conduct of interventions for superior application of Knowledge across the enterprise. All that is needed to transform IT to inexhaustible intelligent energy for driving transformation is a model that leverages human nature, and uses science to solve the problems of Knowledge work with technology, i.e., stradles both the internal and external worlds. Based on the remarkable performance of prototypes in demanding environments we can confidently assure a rise in Collective Ability to well over 50% of the potential. All round growth follows.
The image above gives a perspective of how our work delivers. The Ability possible with just IT takes Knowledge Management into account. It is eliptical, i.e., skewed because of non-uniform adoption across the enterprise. Total, i.e., uniform adoption of our work is assured because its primary use is a compelling means for the daily work and communication across the enterprise. Dialogue is a by-product.