Friday, February 4, 2011

Transforming The Enterprise - 1

The Transformation Challenge
The dual image above manifests the universal goal of transformation. The common desire is a paradigm change with the application of technology to knowledge work. It is rarely achieved for the technology focus is only on the external world whereas Knowledge straddles the internal world as well. Facts are processed by our Comfort Zone and Knowledge passes through our internal filters before it is applied. Because of this process Knowledge has a nature and its application is not a rational exercise. The personal internal world is ignored by technology and therefore mere application of technology is fruitless. The followng points summarise the prevailing state of affairs:

  •  Transformation entirely dependent on the leadership
                   Manage Knowledge, Competencies, Attitudes, Trust, etc 
  • No Process To Raise Knowledge productivity
                  Collective Ability between 5 and 30% since 1900
                  Manufacturing productivity has grown ~ 50 times.
  • Assumed: no Knowing/Doing Gap. Unreal.
                  Nature of Knowledge work ignored
                  Change focus from external to internal world .

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