Significance Of Our Breakthrough
Faith is an accepted human power. No problem is too big or a hurdle too high for Faith to overcome. The image shows David, immortalized by Michelangelo's sculpture created as a gift to the citizens of Florence, confronting his adversary Goliath. Goliath, the Phillistine champion warrior, had for forty days challenged the Israeli army to single combat and infused fear with his size and tales of prowess. David took up the challenge armed only with his sling ----- and Faith in the God of Israel. That he slew Goliath with his own sword after felling him with a slingshot is part of legend, and as excavations establish, history.
My work infuses Faith among personnel that they can get what they want:
- Replaces email for all interventions
Creates Time: Functions seamlessly offline.
- System manages Knowledge flow in chaos
IT converted to intelligent energy for Dialogue
- Delivery of dialogue by IT rewrites the Wisdom
Fosters Collectives, Feedback & Sense making.
- Faith develops: Compelling way --> Success
Induced Culture heals organizations from within.
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